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Resolution No. 1332

 of the Central Election Commission of the

 Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 27, 2024



Information on the activities carried out by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2024



The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan carried out its activities in the first half of the current year in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Electoral Code, the Law on the Referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the regulations of the Central Election Commission confirmed by Resolution No. 1326 of February 20, 2024. 


The Commission identified seven key priority directions in its work plan for the first half of 2024.


During the reporting period, the Central Election Commission focused on its main directions of activity and implemented fully 8 out of 26 measures of the Action Plan, partially implementing 4 measures. Given that the implementation period of 12 measures lasts until June due to the complexity of ensuring their timely implementation. It is recommended to postpone one measure to the next half-year, due to its dependence on the start of the election campaign.


Three sessions of the Central Election Commission were held during the first phase, during which 4 decisions were made on issues related to the agenda.


41 orders of the Chairman of the Commission were approved on issues such as increasing the competence of personnel, supporting them, sending employees on business trips, and matters related to authority.

1. Regarding the establishment of the organized electoral system in accordance with the new amendments and additions to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the new edition of the Constitution:


- The composition of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in cooperation with the councils of people's deputies of regions and the city of Tashkent, as well as the composition of election commissions of regions and the city of Tashkent, was thoroughly analyzed. These commissions have been restructured with the aim of forming regional election commissions, which are forward-thinking, well-versed in electoral legislation, and have practical experience. This issue was discussed in the relevant sessions of the councils of people's deputies and recommended for further consideration at the upcoming meetings of the Central Election Commission.


- At the same time, close cooperation was established with the councils of people's deputies of districts and cities with the aim of thoroughly analyzing the composition of all district and city election commissions. The composition of these commissions is seen to be filled with new worldviews, experienced in electoral legislation and practice, and professional members.


2. In the direction of enhancing the activities of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its Secretariat:


- Based on the amendments to the Electoral Code and decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of Uzbekistan, the powers of the members of the Central Election Commission who work on a community basis have been completed. X. Paluyazov and M. Khusanova were appointed as new members of the Central Election Commission, increasing its full composition to nine members. As a result, the permanent composition of the Central Election Commission, which operates on a continuous basis, has been determined.


- In accordance with the 2024 Presidential Decree PF-19 dated January 22, additional 10 units were added to the Central Election Commission. In this regard, the updated structure of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission has been approved. The selection of personnel with experience in electoral legislation and practice continues based on the new organizational units.

3. Based on the amendments to the Electoral Code, the Central Election Commission and its Secretariat, as well as the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local councils, developed a separate schedule of activities aimed at harmonizing regulatory documents of the Central Election Commission concerning the conduct of elections with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Electoral Code, and other legislative acts.


Accordingly, drafts were prepared for the Regulations of the Central Election Commission, the Basic Measures Program for the preparation of elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, regional, district, and city councils, the Regulation on Territorial Election Commissions, the Concept for improving the competence of members of election commissions conducting elections for deputies of regional, district, and city councils, and drafts of resolutions of the Central Election Commission on their approval were submitted for consideration at the Commission's meetings.


Numerous important documents are being prepared, such as drafts of regulations on the activities of the Central Election Commission, district and city election commissions, district election commissions, and precinct election commissions, as well as draft resolutions of the Central Election Commission on their approval. These documents are scheduled to be reviewed during the Commission's upcoming meetings.


4. In the direction of modernizing information and communication technologies in the activities of election commissions and ensuring information security during the electoral process:


A technical task was developed to improve the management information system of the election process and an expertise on information security was conducted. Based on the technical task, a comprehensive information module covering all elections and referendums was created. This module includes the following modules:


- Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- Referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- Elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local councils;

- Supervision of election equipment;

- Management of information system;

- Monitoring of the operation of all modules;

- Dynamic reporting on the electoral process and reports to voters.


Additionally, a new website for the Central Election Commission, websites for regional election commissions, and web pages for district (city) election commissions were developed and launched.


In line with the Presidential Decree of February 21, 2024, confirming the strategy "Uzbekistan 2030" under the state program "On ensuring the legality of the strategy of" Uzbekistan - 2030 "in the year" Support for Youth and Business, " practical measures are being taken in 2024 aimed at ensuring the implementation of the Strategy, establishing public administration in the service of the people, and collaborating with the Ministry of Digital Technologies to develop an electronic information exchange system "E-Voting" to achieve the goals of the 10th action plan.

5. In the direction of enhancing the skills of election commission members and further improving the training system, an analysis was conducted regarding the results of seminars and trainings held during the 2023 Republic of Uzbekistan Referendum and presidential election campaign periods aimed at enhancing the skills of election commission members. Issues and problematic situations encountered in the activities of election commissions were also analyzed. Additionally, international practices and experiences were studied.


Based on the analysis and research findings, a draft proposal was prepared for the Concept of enhancing the skills of election commission members conducting elections for deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, regional, district, and city councils, taking into account amendments and additions to the electoral legislation and innovations in the national electoral system. A draft resolution of the Central Election Commission on approving this Concept was also developed for consideration at the Commission's meetings.


6. In the direction of studying international practices and experiences in preparing and conducting elections, and expanding cooperation with international organizations and foreign election bodies:


- Based on proposals from foreign election bodies and international organizations, study visits to foreign countries were organized to study the practices and implementation of electoral legislation and rights in those countries where elections are held. Members of the Central Election Commission and Secretariat staff conducted service trips to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Belarus, the United States, and Russia.


During these visits, representatives of the Central Election Commission participated in the following international forums:


- Z. Nizamkhodjayev, Chairman of the Central Election Commission, participated in an international roundtable discussion on "Digitization of Election Processes: Acceptable Standards" organized by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on March 15.


- B. Kuchkarov, Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission, participated in the international conference "Convergence: Democracy, Technology, and Electoral Integrity" organized in cooperation with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and the Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL) on February 13 in Indonesia.


- B. Kuchkarov and G. Rakhimova, a member of the Commission, attended the Council meeting of the Association of Asian Election Authorities (AEAA IK) held by the Election Commission of India from January 23-26.


These visits aimed to enhance the Commission's understanding of international practices in electoral processes and foster collaboration with international partners in the field of elections.

7. In the direction of informing participants of the electoral process about amendments to electoral legislation and the fundamental principles of a mixed electoral system, systematic activities have been organized to enhance electoral culture among voters:


A dedicated media campaign was developed and implemented by the Central Election Commission members through public information channels.


Specifically, members of the Central Election Commission made appearances twice on the national television channels of the National Television and Radio Company, as well as twice on radio channels. Additionally, two articles were published in academic journals and two in national newspapers.


Regarding the official website of the Central Election Commission, a total of 112 pieces of information were posted related to the Commission's activities, including updates on electoral legislation.


Across social media platforms managed by the Commission, a total of 162 posts were published, including 28 on Facebook, 28 on Twitter, 28 on Instagram (including 22 stories), and 28 posts on Telegram messenger. Posts were also made on "Odnoklassniki."


To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a documentary film titled "Elections: Past and Present" was produced by the Press Service. The film was showcased on the Commission's official YouTube channel, depicting the evolution and historical development of electoral processes in our country, as well as contemporary achievements in elections.


8. In the 11th action plan of the Commission's operational agenda, a schedule for procuring certain goods to be delivered to election commissions for activities related to preparing and conducting elections for representative bodies of state authority was developed and approved for implementation.


The suppliers responsible for executing this schedule prepared lists of goods to be procured for election commissions and a delivery schedule. However, due to the commencement of the election campaign, adjustments are being considered to implement this schedule in the second half of 2024, aligned with the Commission's ongoing activities.


9. During the months of January to March 2024, a total of 33 appeals were received by the Central Election Commission (CEC). Out of these, 32 appeals were submitted through the virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and 1 appeal was directly submitted by a non-governmental organization. All appeals were reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the Election Code and the Law "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities."


Out of the total appeals, 29 were found not to fall under the jurisdiction of the Central Election Commission due to them not directly relating to its authority. According to Article 25 of the Law "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities," these appeals were forwarded to the relevant state organs, organizations, and institutions concerning their competence. Additionally, clarification based on the Election Code was provided to the authors of 2 appeals. Two repeated appeals were found to lack new facts, and one appeal was not rejected during the reporting period.