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It has been more than a month since the Central Election Commission adopted and implemented the program of main activities for the preparation of the presidential election. We were interested in the opinions of Suyarjon QURBONKULOV, a member of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regarding these processes...

- The program of main activities for the preparation of the presidential election was adopted. At such a time, every day is a treasure. What are the initial conclusions about the work carried out and improved during the past period of the program implementation?

- As one of the election organizers who has gained a lot of experience by working at all levels of the national election system - from the precinct election commission to the Central Election Commission, I can say that the program of the main events for the preparation of the presidential election it was immediately noticed that the execution was started more intensively and systematically than ever before. The election organizers at all levels started to prepare for the election, as our people found out, from one side. The preparations are being coordinated by the Central Election Commission.

The improvement of the election legislation with the law adopted on February 8 of this year on amendments and additions to some legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan was a clear proof of this.

- By the way, this is widely recognized not only by our national experts, representatives of international organizations, foreign politicians, experts and journalists...

- That's right. An example. Director of the Bureau for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), who recently paid an official visit to our country, Matteo Macacchi expressed his satisfaction that the acceptable recommendations of the organization he heads are being accepted by Uzbekistan. we are always ready to continue," he emphasized.

German journalist Volker Nef published a significant analytical article in the famous European online newspaper "Allgemeine-Berliner-Zeitung". In the article, the large-scale work on ensuring human rights, including the right of citizens to vote, was highly evaluated in the new Uzbekistan. The author emphasizes that since 2016, Uzbekistan has entered a new stage of development. Over the past period, enormous reforms have been achieved in the socio-political and economic spheres of the country's life. In the process of this rise, wide provision of human rights, liberalization of social and political life and mass media, and democratization of society became the most important directions of reforms. "The most advanced international standards were chosen as the highest goal, and the UN and other prestigious international organizations were chosen as partners," the foreign journalist notes.

Many more such recognitions can be cited.

- According to the amendments made to the electoral legislation, now the election of the President, the deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, and the deputies of the representative bodies of local state power will be held in the year when their constitutional term of office expires - on the first Sunday of the third ten days of October. Perhaps this factor also had an effect on the acceleration of preparations for the election?

- Of course, at the suggestion of the general public, the transfer of the election period from the harsh winter - December, warm days - October, other important changes and additions to the electoral legislation and practice, quality, systematic and serious preparation for the election than ever before requires viewing. As you said above, every day is a treasure at a time like this.

Preparation for the election begins first of all with a thorough study of the national election legislation and universally recognized international election standards. From this point of view, I would be telling the truth if I say that preparations for the presidential election by the Central Election Commission began before the adoption of the program of the main events in this regard.

- If you dwell on this in more detail...

- It should be noted that the Central Election Commission is carrying out systematic work together with partner organizations in order to inform the general public about the changes and additions made to the election legislation this year. Mass media, hundreds of speeches on social networks and direct communication with voters are used effectively.

More than fifty articles, interviews and comments of the Central Election Commission's permanent and field members, leading specialists and election experts were published. They regularly participate in discussions, roundtables and direct dialogues organized and broadcast on television and radio channels. Aso in this process 

special attention is paid to the broad explanation of the content of the changes and additions to the election legislation, to the awareness of the population about the election process, to increase the confidence in the election, and to strengthen the sense of involvement.

As a member of the Central Election Commission, in addition to my numerous appearances in mass media - TV and radio channels, newspapers, as well as in social networks, I also participated in such a roundtable discussion at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. The meeting attended by professors, students and media representatives of this higher educational institution clearly showed that our intellectuals, especially young people, are interested in the presidential election, and have a high sense of involvement in the destiny of the Motherland and people. Discussions and questions were heated.

The event organized by the Committee on International Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries in cooperation with the Central Election Commission on the theme "New Uzbekistan: new guarantees of the right to vote", although it was officially called a "seminar", was attended by representatives of various nationalities. turned into a sincere conversation with the voters. The event was attended by leaders and responsible employees of this committee, members of the Central Election Commission, representatives of National Cultural Centers and Friendship Societies operating in our country. Representatives of different ages, different professions, different nationalities, and even spoke different languages, they were united by a single goal - love for our Motherland, concern for the fate of the country, great interest in the presidential election. Seeing such harmony and solidarity gives a person great joy and great confidence in the prospects of our country and people.

Such open and sincere dialogues can be seen at the events held by the Central Election Commission in other higher education institutions, scientific institutions, organizations and neighborhoods.

- In the program of the main activities for the preparation of the presidential election, the tasks of determining the boundaries of the polling stations in advance, conducting an inventory of the buildings and rooms where the precinct election commissions are located are also expressed. How is the performance of such works that require the efforts of many people?

- According to the information received from the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city administrations, in cooperation with the Cadastre Agency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Neighborhood and Family Support and other official agencies, the borders of 10,797 polling stations in our country are currently determined.

At the moment, the buildings and rooms where the precinct election commissions are located are being inventoried, and the work of determining their need for election equipment is being completed. Design samples of polling station precincts, information on future candidates, voter list booths, and polling station signposts were prepared.

- According to the amendments and additions to the electoral legislation, the procedure for including citizens of Uzbekistan residing in foreign countries in the voter list, regardless of whether they are in the consular account of diplomatic missions or not, voters in foreign countries the legal basis of voting through portable boxes at the place of residence or work has been further strengthened. What kind of work is being done on the practical use of such wide possibilities created in the legislation?

- First of all, the tasks of ensuring broad participation of our citizens abroad in the election have been clearly defined. Another video conference was recently held with the participation of representatives of diplomatic missions and consular institutions of our country abroad. It will determine the polling stations to be formed abroad, including the places where voting will be organized with the help of mobile ballot boxes (in places where citizens of Uzbekistan live and work densely), and the service of electronic applications for inclusion of our compatriots abroad in the single electronic list of voters. Issues related to implementation were discussed in detail. Relevant instructions were given to those in charge regarding the work that needs to be done in this direction.

- In order to conduct the election at a high organizational level in accordance with the national legislation and international election standards, it is first of all important to improve the legal knowledge and practical skills of the members of the precinct election commission and other organizers of the election process. What can you say about the work being done in this regard?

- It is worth noting that such work is carried out more consistently and systematically than ever before. Work in this direction is organized to improve the qualifications of the members of the Election Commission, which was approved at the meeting of the Central Election Commission on April 27 of this year. 

based on the concept of achievement.

At the end of this meeting, an agreement on mutual cooperation was signed between the Central Election Commission and the Academy of Public Administration, Tashkent State Law University, the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office, and the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to ensure the implementation of this concept within the specified time and quality.

This document aims to increase the knowledge and practical skills of the organizers of the election process in order to organize the presidential election and pre-election processes at a high level, to strengthen the confidence of the citizens of our country in the current electoral institutions, as well as to create a sense of involvement in large-scale humane reforms in our country. was signed in order to establish mutually beneficial mutual cooperation for the purpose of promotion.

The initial result of such systematic work done in cooperation is obvious. In the Academy of Public Administration, seminars and trainings of republican trainers and responsible persons were held to improve the qualifications of candidates for the membership of election commissions and other organizers of the election process.

The week-long seminar-training was conducted by the same experts on the basis of the curriculum and teaching-methodical materials developed by a group of experts consisting of professors and teachers of the Academy of Public Administration and Tashkent State Law University. During the process, video lessons and videos were filmed on twelve topics. In cooperation with the experts of this academy and university, the training manual "Election legislation and practice" was prepared and published.

These seminars and trainings are the first stage of the system of improving the qualifications of the organizers of the presidential election process on election legislation. Such comprehensive trainings were sent throughout our republic starting from May 17.

At the meeting of the Central Election Commission, where the program of main activities for the preparation of the presidential election was approved, one important statement was highlighted: the presidential election is important for the organizers of the election and for the political parties participating in the election, regardless of which organization we work for. It is an important political process that carries enormous responsibility for both the voters and the media. It is our honorable duty to go through this responsible process with a bright face.


Nargis Sobirova,


Source: "New Uzbekistan" newspaper

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