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The election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was officially started at the next meeting of the Central Election Commission on July 23.

At a meeting attended by leaders of political parties operating in our country and representatives of mass media, the Central Election Commission designated October 24, 2021 as the day of the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was announced that the election campaign will start on July 23.

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zayniddin Nizamkhodjayev, has set himself the great goal of raising the country's development to a new, higher level. he emphasized that it will be conducted based on the principles, openly and transparently. Elections take place in the life of our society in conditions where the principles of multi-partyism, political pluralism, diversity of opinions, openness and transparency, and tolerance are strong and widespread.

In order to ensure the timely and effective implementation of the norms established by the electoral legislation, the calendar plan for holding the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved.
In the calendar plan, tasks to be carried out step by step and day by day by the Central Election Commission in cooperation with relevant state bodies, political parties and other public organizations are defined.

As stipulated in the legislation, the Central Election Commission began to receive information about the appointment of their authorized representatives by political parties.

In order for political parties to participate in the election, it is stipulated in the Election Code that they must submit the legal documents to the Central Election Commission. During the election campaign, an authorized representative will be established to conduct communication between the Central Election Commission and the political party and organize the submission of required documents.

The authorized representative primarily represents the interest of the political party participating in the election and resolves issues related to its participation in the election process.

In order to participate in the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a political party shall submit the following to the Central Election Commission through its authorized representative at least seventy days before the election:
an application signed by the party leader to participate in the election;
A certificate of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan containing information on the registration of a political party;
Information about the future candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Central Electoral Commission issues a certificate indicating the date and time of receipt of documents to the authorized representative of the political party.

On the basis of the submitted documents, the Central Election Commission shall make a final decision within five days to allow the party to participate in the election, and shall issue a certificate of registration and signature forms of the specified model to the authorized representative of the political party.

The list of parties participating in the election will be published in the central press, depending on the order of receipt of applications.

In accordance with Article 34 of the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a political party has the right to appoint an authorized representative to participate in the meetings of the election commission, in handing over documents, in checking that signature sheets are filled out correctly, and in counting votes at the polling station.

Based on this, the issue of appointing an authorized representative by a political party is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, an authorized representative is appointed to conduct relations with the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan related to the implementation of the political party's participation in the election based on the established rules.

In order to participate in the meetings of the Central Election Commission, handing over documents, and verifying that the signature sheets are filled in correctly, the head of the higher body of the political party appoints his authorized representative within five days from the day of the official announcement of the start of the election campaign, and submits relevant documents to the Central Election Commission for registration.

The Central Election Commission, after reviewing the relevant documents of the candidate for the authorized representative recommended by the political party, registers him within three days and issues a mandate in the prescribed form.
The second stage is directly related to the activity of the authorized representative appointed from the regional party bodies. Such an authorized representative works at the polling station.

That is, the counting of votes at the polling station of the territorial bodies of the political party that has nominated a candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

appoints its authorized representatives from the date of establishment of polling stations to participate in

At least ten days before the election, the head of the territorial body of the political party submits the list of authorized representatives of the political party (with full name, position, residential address and telephone number) to the relevant election commission.

The application is submitted to the district election commission that conducts the presidential election during the presidential election of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The district election commission registers the authorized representatives within five days from the date of receipt of the list of authorized representatives of the political party and issues a mandate in the prescribed form.

At the same time, in some cases, giving a mandate to an authorized representative may be refused. In particular, if the candidate for authorized representative is under 18 years old or is not a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, if the application is made less than ten days before the election, if the candidate from the political party is not registered in the relevant electoral district , if the relevant documents are not fully submitted, the mandate may be refused.
An authorized representative of the political party shall participate in the meetings of the election commission, submit documents to the election commissions, including collected signature sheets, verify that the signature sheets are filled in correctly, participate in the counting of votes at the polling station, get acquainted with the minutes of the precinct election commission, including has the right to receive a certified copy of the protocol of the precinct election commission.

An authorized representative of a political party may not interfere with the activities of the precinct election commission, including sealing, opening and counting of ballot boxes.

An authorized representative of a political party must carry an identity document, a document issued by the political party, and the mandate of the relevant election commission.

The term of office of the authorized representative of the political party shall be deemed to have expired from the date of publication of the information about the results of the election in the press.

The active work of this institute during the election campaign serves to ensure the transparency, fairness and legality of the elections and to implement public control over the activities of the election commissions.


Bahadirjon Yunusov,
Republic of Uzbekistan
of the Central Election Commission
permanent member

July 28 #151 issue of "Yanyi Uzbekistan" newspaper

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