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Deputies candidates, while introducing their pre-election program to voters, organize this process in cooperation with their trusted representatives in order to reach deep layers of the population and every voter.
Deputies candidates, while introducing their pre-election program to voters, organize this process in cooperation with their trusted representatives in order to reach deep layers of the population and every voter.

In accordance with Article 43 of the Election Code, candidates for the Presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and candidates for deputies of regional, district, and city councils of People's Deputies may have a proxy.

According to the law, a candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan can have up to 15 proxies, a candidate for a deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, up to 10 proxies, a candidate for a deputy of the People's Deputies of the regional and Tashkent city councils, up to 5 people, a candidate for a deputy of the People's Deputies of the district and city councils, up to 3 proxies.

At this point, it is worth mentioning that one more innovation introduced into the Election Code is that the candidate for deputy of the People's Deputies of the Region and Tashkent City Council can now have up to 5 proxies instead of 3 in the previous laws.

According to the rules, a proxy cannot be a member of the election commission.

Trusted representatives of the candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be registered by the Central Election Commission based on his submission and issued a certificate in the prescribed form.

After the registration, the candidate for deputy appoints his proxies according to his wishes and applies to the relevant district election commission for their registration.

In this application:

by a candidate for the deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the district election commission conducting elections to the Legislative Chamber;

the local council deputy candidate shall be submitted to the district election commission holding elections to the regional, district, and city councils of the respective People's Deputies.

The election commission of the relevant district registers the proxies within 3 days from the day of receiving the application and issues them a certificate in the form specified in the annexes of this Regulation.

A candidate for deputy may at any time before the election deprive his representative of his authority by informing the relevant election commission and replace him with another one. The trustee has the right to withdraw his powers at any time.


assists the candidate in conducting the election campaign;

campaigns for the election of a candidate;

represents the candidate's interests in relations with state bodies and public associations, election commissions.

A representative has the right to hold meetings with voters together with another candidate or his representative or participate in meetings with voters organized by another candidate.

During the pre-election campaign, campaigning is combined with providing goods and services to voters on free or preferential terms, as well as paying money, disseminating false information, as well as information that harms the honor and dignity of candidates, on the day of the election and the day before the start of voting. It is prohibited to publish the results of public opinion polls, election results forecasts, other research related to the current election, including posting them on information networks, as well as on the Internet global information network.

It is forbidden to campaign by a representative one day before the election and on the day of the election.

Trustees may appeal the decisions of the election commissions to the higher election commission or to the court within ten days after the adoption of these decisions.

Trustees who filed a complaint have the right to directly participate in the review of the complaint.

During the election campaign, the plenipotentiaries exercise their rights and obligations based on the requirements of the law, having an important role in conducting elections on a democratic basis.

Bahadirjon Yunusov

Member of the Central Election Commission

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