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Form of ballot papers approved.




A regular meeting of the Central Election Commission was held today, September 5. According to the agenda of the meeting, the issue of approval of the form, wording and description of ballots for the elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes (Councils) of People's Deputies was discussed and the relevant decision was made.


It was noted at the meeting that the ballot papers for this year's elections had been approved in a completely new form. The space saved in these ballot papers saves at least 3 billion soums in the cost of printing ballot papers.



In addition, the colour of the ballot papers is different for each type of election, i.e. for the single-member election district of the Legislative Chamber - light blue, for the single election district - light green, for the election of deputies of regional and Tashkent city Kengashes (Councils) of People's Deputies - light yellow, and for the election of deputies of district and city Kengashes (Councils) of People's Deputies - light grey. It was noted that the protocols on the results of the vote count should be printed in the same way in relation to the colour of the ballot papers.


In this case, it was found that the timing of the algorithms for counting the election results at the polling station led to a reduction in the workload and working time of the precinct election commission to determine the results.


In particular, the precinct election commissions needed an average of 4 hours to count the election results of the previous elections, while the introduction of the new ballot papers will reduce this time to at least 1 hour and the commissions will save at least 11 thousand hours nationwide.


As a result, the number of members of the precinct election commissions has been reduced this year from 11 people in previous elections to an average of 10 people, or 2,100 people across the country, and the cost of their compensation has been cut to saving tune of 2 billion soums.


At the same time, the space-saving size of the ballot papers and the fact that they are printed in different colours make it easier for voters to distinguish them from each other and further simplify the process of filling them out.



As stipulated in the resolution, the surname, first name and patronymic of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber in single-member election districts shall be recorded on the ballot paper, the results of the vote count at the polling station and the protocol for determining the election results by election districts shall be drawn up in the order of the Uzbek alphabet based on the Latin script.


It is further established that the ballot paper for the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber in a single election district, the protocols on the results of the vote count at the polling station and on the determination of the election results by region shall contain the names and symbols of the political parties participating in the election in the order in which they were admitted to participate in the election, in the following sequence:


First, the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – Liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan;


Second, the “Milliy Tiklanish” (“National Revival”) Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;


Third, the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan;


Fourth, the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;


Fifth, the “Adolat” (“Justice”) Social Democratic Party.


In addition, the decision of the Central Election Commission also approved the model forms and the text of the ballot papers for the elections of the local Kengashes (Councils).


The ballot papers are printed on the basis of the data of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regional election commissions, taking into account the number of voters in the election district (territory).


Central Election Commission Press Service



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