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By the Presidential Decree No. PF-68 of May 8, 2023, “On Calling the Early Election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,” the early presidential elections in Uzbekistan are scheduled for July 9, 2023.

According to the amendments to the Election Code made by the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, if the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan calls for early presidential elections, they shall be held within two months in full compliance with the Election Code. The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall set the timing of activities related to the preparation and conduct of the election.

In this regard, the Central Election Commission, on May 10, 2023, held its meeting on organizational issues related to preparing and holding the early presidential election of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The meeting discussed the election campaign announcement and the calendar plan for preparing and holding the election.

According to the CEC decision, the election campaign for the presidential elections to be held on July 9 this year starts on May 10.

The gradual implementation of activities related to the election within the legal framework is essential. For this purpose, the CEC adopted a calendar plan to prepare and hold the election.

This Calendar plan provides the activities outlined in the legislation and the deadlines for their implementation in a logical sequence. In particular, the Calendar plan schedules 51 activities in 7 areas of the electoral process.

The Calendar plan will ensure that the election process is properly and efficiently organized, in compliance with legal requirements, and that the available resources and capabilities are rationally allocated and mobilized. The Calendar plan will help the smooth performance of electoral activities at all stages.

The voters and other participants in the electoral process will be kept informed about the sequence, stages, and timing of activities related to the preparation and holding of elections through the official website of the CEC and other sources.


The Central Election Commission

Press Service

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