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Visit of the Election Observation Mission of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)




On June 16 of this year, the Central Election Commission hosted a meeting with representatives of the Election Observation Mission of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) for the early presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During the meeting, the CEC informed the Mission of the innovations in the electoral legislation and the work on preparing and holding the upcoming presidential elections. It was emphasized that the election campaign is being conducted under the requirements of the Election Code and democratic principles.

In particular, attention was drawn to improving the theoretical knowledge and practical experience of members of election commissions, introducing modern information and communication technologies into the electoral process, strengthening the role of women in elections, and ensuring the voting rights of citizens with disabilities.

It was noted that the Mission headquarters would be established in Tashkent to coordinate the activities of observers and carry out all interventions related to the organization of observation. Its tasks include collecting, processing, and analyzing material on the electoral process and conducting a legal review of electoral legislation.

For their part, the representatives of the Mission stated that they would be open, transparent, and objective in the preparation and observation of the July 9 elections.


Central Election Commission Press Service

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