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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly 2263 (XXII)


Article 1


Discrimination against women, denying or limiting as it does their equality of rights with men, is fundamentally unjust and constitutes an offence against human dignity.


Article 2


All appropriate measures shall be taken to abolish existing laws, customs, regulations and practices which are discriminatory against women, and to establish adequate legal protection for equal rights of men and women, in particular:


a. The principle of equality of rights shall be embodied in the constitution or otherwise guaranteed by law; b. The international instruments of the United Nations and the specialized agencies relating to the elimination of discrimination against women shall be ratified or acceded to and fully implemented as soon as practicable.


Article 3


All appropriate measures shall be taken to educate public opinion and to direct national aspirations towards the eradication of prejudice and the abolition of customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority of women.


Article 4


All appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure to women on equal terms with men, without any discrimination: 


a. The right to vote in all elections and be eligible for election to all publicly elected bodies;


b. The right to vote in all public referenda;


c. The right to hold public office and to exercise all public functions. Such rights shall be guaranteed by legislation.


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