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During the election campaign, an authorized representative will be established to conduct dialogue between the Central Election Commission and the political party, and organize the submission of required documents.

The authorized representative, first of all, represents the interest of the political party participating in the election and resolves issues related to its participation in the election process.

The active work of this institution during the period of the election campaign serves to ensure the transparency, fairness and legality of the elections and to exercise public control over the activities of the election commissions.

According to the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the political party that has nominated candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, candidates for the Legislative Chamber, and candidates for the local councils has the right to appoint an authorized representative to participate in the meetings of the election commission, in the handing over of documents, in checking that the signature sheets are filled in correctly, and in counting the votes at the polling station .

A citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan who has reached the age of 18 and who is a member or supporter of a political party or a sympathizer of a political party can be an authorized representative of a political party.

The issue of appointing an authorized representative by a political party is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage , an authorized representative will be appointed to conduct relations with the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan related to the implementation of the political party's participation in the election based on the established rules.

The second stage is directly related to the activity of the authorized representative appointed from the regional party bodies. Such an authorized representative works at the polling station. That is, the territorial bodies of the political party nominated for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan appoint their authorized representatives to participate in the counting of votes at the polling station from the date of establishment of the polling stations.

Article 34 of the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulation "On the authorized representative of the political party" approved by the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 11, 2019, specify the procedure for appointing and registering an authorized representative, the rights and obligations of the authorized representative. .

The authorized representative is appointed and registered in the following manner:

In order to participate in the meetings of the Central Election Commission, in the handing over of documents, in checking that the signature forms are filled in correctly, the head of the political party's higher body appoints his authorized representative within five days from the official announcement of the start of the election campaign and submits relevant documents to the Central Election Commission for registration.

The Central Election Commission considers the documents related to the candidate of authorized representative recommended by the political party, registers him within three days and gives him the mandate in the form established by this Regulation.

Authorized representatives of political parties must carry an identity document, a document issued by the political party and the mandate of the relevant election commission.

Territorial bodies of the political party that nominated candidates for the Presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, People's Deputies of regional, district, and city councils appoint their authorized representatives to participate in the counting of votes at the polling station from the date of establishment of the polling stations.

At least ten days before the election, the head of the territorial body of the political party submits a list of the authorized representatives of the political party (with the name, position, residential address and telephone number) to the relevant election commission. In this application:

in the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan - to the district election commission conducting the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

in the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan - to the district election commission conducting the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber;

in the election of people's deputies of regional and Tashkent City Councils - to the district election commission conducting elections to these Councils;

in the election of deputies of district, city (excluding Tashkent city) councils of people's deputies - district, city (excluding Tashkent city election commission) election commission;

In the event that the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and people's deputies of regional, district and city councils is held at the same time, it will be submitted to the election commission of the district holding the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber.

The relevant election commission registers the authorized representatives within five days from the date of receipt of the list of authorized representatives of the political party and gives them mandates in the prescribed form.

The mandate may display special symbols (color or other) to distinguish a political party from another political party.

In the following cases, it is possible to refuse to issue a mandate to an authorized representative:

if the candidate is under the age of 18 or is not a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

if the appeal is made less than ten days before the election;

if a candidate from a political party is not registered for the relevant electoral district (applies to authorized representatives participating in the counting of votes at the polling station);

If the documents specified in the regulation are not submitted in full.

A political party may deprive an authorized representative of his authority at any time before the election by notifying the relevant election commission in writing. In such cases, the election commission delists the authorized representative and cancels the mandate given to him.

What are the duties of the authorized representative of the political party:

to participate in the meetings of the election commission, in handing over documents to the election commissions, including collected signature sheets, in checking that the signature sheets are filled in correctly, in counting votes at the polling station;

has the right to get acquainted with the minutes of the precinct election commission, including a certified copy of the minutes of the precinct election commission.

The authorized representative of the political party may be present at the polling station during the re-voting.

An authorized representative of a political party may not interfere with the activities of the precinct election commission, including the sealing, opening, and counting of ballot boxes.

The term of office of the authorized representative of the political party shall be deemed to have expired from the date of publication of the information on the results of the election in the press.


Orzugul Kazikhonova

Member of the Central Election Commission

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