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This year, the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be held for the first time in accordance with the new Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is important to include every compatriot who has the right to vote in the voter's list when preparing for and holding the election.
Election -2021




This year, the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be held for the first time in accordance with the new Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is important to include every compatriot who has the right to vote in the voter's list when preparing for and holding the election.

Article 4 of the Election Code states, among other things: "Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of eighteen on the election day have the right to vote. "Citizens have equal right to vote, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, faith, personal and social status, education, type and nature of occupation."

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a citizen who has reached the age of 18 has the right to vote for representative bodies of state power. One voter has one vote. The right to vote, equality and freedom of expression are guaranteed by law.

A voter's right to vote is one of the main criteria that shows his electoral culture in the election campaign.

In order to ensure the voter's participation in the election, in order to prevent him from voting once in one polling station and voting a second time in another polling station, the voting place of the voter is determined, as well as in order to facilitate the provision of voting rights for many voters living in the same area. polling stations and a list of voters who can vote in this polling station will be drawn up.

Therefore, the voter list is one of the most important and decisive documents during the election campaign.

Compilation of the voter list based on the requirements of the law is important in realizing the general, equal and direct right of citizens to vote in accordance with international election standards.

The inclusion of a citizen in the voter register is important for creating opportunities for eligible voters, and at the same time serves to implement the basic principle of "one voter, one vote".

Ensuring that the electoral roll is equitable, accurate and comprehensive, and that its processes are open to all interested parties is the most important task of the bodies responsible for the effective organization and conduct of elections. .

Note that based on the number of registered voters, important decisions are made, such as the number and location of polling stations, the amount of ballot papers to be printed, the provision of polling stations with them, and the assessment of voter participation.

Each voter can be included in only one voter list. The inclusion of a voter in the second voter list causes a violation of the principle of equality in the election.

Whether this principle was violated or not is first investigated by the members of the district and precinct election commissions, as well as by observers during the election process.

The voter's list includes the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and residential address of each voter. It is necessary to enter the information in the list of voters in a clear, understandable manner, with correct dates and addresses.

The voter's list must contain the year, month and day of birth of the voters who turned 18 years old on the election day.

In accordance with the law, after the voters' list has been drawn up, it will be placed in a place where it can be seen by everyone at the polling station fifteen days before the election.

Samples of lists for drawing up the list of voters are determined by the Central Election Commission. The list of voters is drawn up in two forms, the first form is used to introduce voters, and the second form is used to organize voting by voters. In the voter list of both forms, information about voters is compiled in the same order, with the same numbering.

The list of voters will consist of the main page, internal pages and the last page.

The main page shows the name of the election being held, the serial number of the polling station, its location and the list of voters. The list of voters is given in order on the inner pages.

The final part of the voter list and the surname, first name, patronymic and signatures of the chairman and secretary of the precinct election commission are written on the last page.

the engraved date will be displayed.

Since the list of voters consists of several pages, all its pages are numbered in the same order.

Information about the voter's surname, first name and patronymic must be written in full on the basis of his passport or ID card.

The passport of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the main document confirming the citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the identity of its owner.

The identification ID card of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a document that confirms the identity of the owner and the citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and has an electronic carrier device (chip) containing the personal biographical and biometric data of the ID card owner. .

If a voter moves from one region to live in another region, he/she will be removed from one voter's list and included in another voter's list.

Therefore, during the election campaign, the voter must apply to the precinct election commission in the area he has just moved to on the same day. This situation is one of the criteria that shows the electoral culture of the voter.

If the voter's place of residence changes, the voter must inform the precinct election commission of the place where he/she moved or temporarily resides. If the relevant precinct election commission does not have information about this, a short time before the election day or when the voter comes to vote on the day of the election, he may not be able to vote because he is not included in the voter's list.

Basharti, when such situations arise, from the point of view of ensuring the voter's right to vote, a special norm is included in the Election Code, according to which the precinct election commission will find out in the single electronic list of voters in which precinct the voter is registered on the basis of the voter's identity document. and determines whether he voted early or not, after which, if this voter did not vote early at the place of permanent residence, he can be included in the voter list appendix for the polling station at the place of temporary residence.

In this context, it should be said that a voter can determine whether he is included in the voter's list, ask it from the precinct election commission, familiarize himself with the voter's list, and, in necessary cases, apply to the election commission for making relevant changes to it. is of particular importance in production.

Several convenient tools have been developed to make it easier for voters to find their polling station. For this, during the election campaign, the Central Election Commission can use the service "Identify yourself from the voter list" on the website and "Identify the polling station" on the state portal of the Unified Interactive Services. helps to enter.

Speaking about this, it is appropriate to quote the following comments from the final report of the Mission of the Human Rights Bureau of the OSCE Democratic Institutions on the end of the elections held in the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 22, 2019: "Voter registration is passive ) and voters are included in the voter list at their permanent or temporary registered place of residence. For the first time, the unified electronic voter list (SYAER) was used in these elections. He aims to reduce repeat voting and greatly expand voter coverage."

These examples show that voter registration practices in our country are being improved in line with international regulations.

Therefore, the procedure established in the current legal documents for openly compiling the list of voters not only serves to ensure the full expression of the will of citizens in practice, but also shows that the vote of every citizen is important in our country. .

Strengthening the sense of belonging The presidential election held this year will gain the attention of the world community as an important political event that once again demonstrates the rise of the political and legal culture, worldview, and citizenship position of voters, all citizens in the conditions of New Uzbekistan.


Bahadirjon YUNUSOV,

Republic of Uzbekistan

of the Central Election Commission

permanent member.



Source: May 13, 2021 issue 65 of "Ishanch" newspaper

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