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944 of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 20, 2019 "On announcing the start of the election campaign for the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local councils" In accordance with the implementation of paragraph 10 of the program of the main activities for holding the election of deputies, election commissions were formed in the period from September 27 to October 3, 2019.

944 of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 20, 2019 "On announcing the start of the election campaign for the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local councils" In accordance with the implementation of paragraph 10 of the program of the main activities for holding the election of deputies, election commissions were formed in the period from September 27 to October 3, 2019.

Sessions of Councils of People's Deputies were held in accordance with Article 19 of the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Articles 6 and 24 of the Law "On Local State Power".

Based on the decisions of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, new district and city election commissions were established in Bozatov district and Gozgon city of Navoi region in the newly established Republic of Karakalpakstan.

According to the held sessions, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, election commissions of Tashkent city and 12 regions, 31 cities, 171 district election commissions were established on the territory of the Republic.

The total number of members of these election commissions was 2365, of which 816 or 34.3% were women.

According to their education, 2083 people have a higher education, 279 people have secondary special education, 5 people have secondary education, and 345 people are specialists in foreign languages.

In order to organize effective work with the election process management information system, these election commissions included specialists in information and communication technologies, and their number was 343.

Among the members of the election commissions, the number of those who participated in the previous elections was 1644 or 69.5 percent.

In accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 9 of the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of constituencies for elections to regional, district and city councils was determined.

According to it, 65 constituencies for the election to the Dzhokorgi Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 60 for the election to the Tashkent city council, 706 for the election to the regional councils, 5736 for the election to the district and city councils were determined.

The "Collection of Model Decisions" of election commissions conducting elections to local councils, prepared by the Central Election Commission, was delivered to all election commissions. These recommendations consist of draft documents on a number of issues related to the Model Regulations of Election Commissions, Program of Main Activities, Division of Tasks, Creation of Electoral Districts, and Implementation of Powers Given in the Election Code.

The regional, district and city election commissions held their first meetings, and based on the recommendations sent by the Central Election Commission, the programs of the main events of the election commissions were approved.

The building of regional, district and city election commissions, the chairman and secretary of the commission, as well as the list of their phone numbers have been placed in the "Election-2019" mobile application.

The electronic version of the decisions of the sessions of the regional, district and city Councils of People's Deputies was submitted to the Chancellery of the Central Election Commission.

In this draft decision, it was proposed to create a working group providing methodological support to regional election commissions. The composition of the working group is given in the annex to the decision.

The task of providing all-round methodical assistance to the regional election commissions was assigned by the working group.

Bahadirjon Yunusov

Member of the Central Election Commission

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