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The idea, purpose, spirit of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan - every provision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, democratic values formed over the centuries, national statehood, as well as the Uzbek and Eastern state, which has been inherited from generation to generation for several thousand years. fully embodies the traditions of administration and conducting policy in consultation with the people.

Khudoyar Mamatov

Head of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission, doctor of legal sciences, professor

The idea, purpose, spirit of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan - every provision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, democratic values formed over the centuries, national statehood, as well as the Uzbek and Eastern state, which has been inherited from generation to generation for several thousand years. fully embodies the traditions of administration and conducting policy in consultation with the people.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said, "It is this nation that brought us all up and brought us to adulthood. It is this nation that gave us all a fortune. It is this people who trusted us and elected us as leaders. Therefore, with whom we should first communicate - with our people. Who should we consult with - first of all, our people. Then our people will be satisfied with us. If the people agree, our work will be fruitful and blessed. If the people are satisfied with us, the Creator will also be satisfied with us", is a practical proof that the tradition of conducting politics in consultation with the people continues.

The ancient East has always had its influence on human society with its age-old traditions and unique values. In particular, Turonzamin occupies a worthy place in the annals of the great statesmanship of the world with its many power structures, powerful kingdoms, and experience in conducting state affairs. In particular, the legal foundations of state administration have been established, and certain experience has been gained in this regard. Along with the development of the legal consciousness, culture and enlightenment of the people, the mechanisms for ensuring the supremacy of laws in society, developing fair and truthful laws that apply equally to everyone have been created. Therefore, "the Constitution of any country reflects the will, mentality, social consciousness and culture of the people living in it. Our constitution is literally a product of our people's thinking and creativity."

There is a very instructive proverb in our people that says, "A council wedding does not spread." No matter what aspect of our social life we focus on, we can observe that this wisdom is followed. We can see that if there is an exemplary work in any place, it is the result of a planned event. It is not for nothing, we have already learned such a lesson from our glorious past. Sohibkiran Temur teaches in his rules: "Nine parts of state affairs are done by councils, events and consultations, and the remaining part is done by the sword... What a hundred thousand horsemen could not do, one proper event can do." It can be done with... I would ask for advice from everyone. But after thinking about the good and bad sides of each piece of advice, I would choose the right and most worthy one."

The famous German historian F. Schlosser also gives this information: "... he was a great talent as a commander, governor and legislator. He hated lies and was not deprived of love for knowledge. There would be many poets, scientists, mystics and mystics (Sufis) at his address... he was a just judge, a friend of science, a patron of artists and scientists."

This opinion means that the will of the people should be expressed directly in the laws and implemented through the representatives elected by them. That is why the rule "The source of the state is the people" has always been relevant. Jean-Jacques Rousseau says: "A nation that obeys the law must also be its creator."

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev stated that "the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a high example of the political and legal thinking of our people." In fact, the Constitution of our sovereign republic is a democratic charter of human and civil rights, which serves as a strategic program for the formation of a legal and humane state. The Constitution - the legal basis of the independence of our country, came to the field as the supreme expression of the will of the people. It is a legal document that incorporates universal human and universal values tested in history, while relying on the constitutional experiences of the most advanced and developed countries.

The constitution aims to restore the Uzbek statehood on a modern, enlightened basis, to strengthen peaceful coexistence and peace by all measures, to deepen democracy, to remain loyal to the ideas of human rights and state sovereignty, to establish a just and legal state, and

It is responsible and a guarantor of such tasks as ensuring regional peace and national unity.

The Constitution is a product of independence, at the same time it is a shield protecting it, and the main legal foundation of our society. One of its most important aspects is that the image of the state and the characteristics of society are clearly expressed in it, the political, socio-economic, spiritual-educational and legal system of our life is based on democratic principles, universal human values are glorified, citizens' rights and it is clear how well their freedoms are guaranteed and protected.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his speech at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, spoke about the essence of our General Council and noted that "Each country chooses its own path of independence and development. consolidates the most important goals and tasks that serve to ensure the well-being of the people in its Constitution - Basic Law. Therefore, a country that has a Constitution in harmony with the will, language and good intentions of its people, never deviates from the high goals it has set, and always moves forward. If we look at history, we will see that the spiritual and moral values and natural rights of a person formed over the centuries came into the form of the Constitution as a result of the processes of civilization. For the first time in the life of mankind, the Constitution raised the rights of a person to live freely and freely, own property, get education, work, vote and be elected, freedom of speech and belief to the highest level of value.

In fact, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted in the early period of state independence, clearly defined mutual rights and obligations and their guarantees in the relations between the individual, society and the state.

As stipulated in Article 18 of our Constitution, all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan have the same rights and freedoms, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, faith, personality and social status. they are equal before the law.

Uzbekistan, which is known for its updated image before the world community, close neighborliness with the international community, strategic partnership and policy of openness and transparency based on mutual respect, and whose place and prestige in the world is increasing year by year, has been implemented in recent years. thanks to the reforms, the guarantee of equality of the citizens of our country is provided, and it creates the ground for modern democratic development.

It is for this reason that we should honor our Constitution with respect, study it in every way, follow it consistently, and inculcate the great heritage of our ancestors and universal human values embodied in our Basic Law into the hearts of our youth.

The perspective of the democratic society that we are striving for, first of all, directly depends on the extent to which democratic values take a deep place in the hearts and minds of each of us, how these values are preserved and passed on to future generations. In this regard, it is necessary to deeply understand the essence of the Constitution and strictly comply with the constitutional requirements.

In the context of the work carried out to ensure peace, stability and inter-ethnic harmony in our country, it is necessary to protect people of different nationalities and ethnic groups and professions from moral and ideological attacks, to call them to be aware of the consequences of existing dangers and threats. understanding, formation of public opinion about them, most importantly, systematic and purposeful practical actions aimed at uniting and uniting the people based on the idea of national independence, educating feelings of loyalty to noble ideas in the minds and hearts of the young generation.

Today, not only improving the knowledge of our compatriots, but also developing democratic thinking and new ideas related to strengthening our independence in their hearts and practices, encouraging them to do good deeds in order to realize the peace of our country, the well-being of our people, and the development of our Motherland, is in the consciousness of the people. It is of particular importance to strengthen feelings of involvement, creativity, faith in the future and gratitude for the wide-ranging democratic reforms being carried out in various spheres of our life.

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