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Those who have reached the level of genius glorify the place where they were born and grew up, the nation to which they belong - they introduce it to the world. As an example, we can cite the names of Imam Bukhari, Imam al-Tirmizi, Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani, Bahauddin Naqshbandi, az-Zamakhshari and dozens of our ancestors, who are famous in the Muslim world. In particular, our great ancestors such as Muhammad Musa Khorezmi, Ahmed Farghani, Ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Amir Temur, Mirza Ulughbek, Alisher Navoi, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur contributed to the development of mankind, especially science, spirituality and literature. made a great contribution to the rise of prosperity.

The great kingdoms and magnificent historical monuments built by them continue to amaze the people of the world even today as bright examples of the genius of our people. The fact that our compatriots are given special respect and respect abroad because of these breeds is constantly ringing in our ears. All this means how glorious our past is.

Khudoyar MAMATOV,

Head of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission,

Doctor of legal sciences, professor

This glorious past serves as a lesson as well as inculcating feelings of pride in our hearts. It is our responsibility to be a worthy generation for them. Because only being proud of the past, claiming greatness by the triumphant distances traveled by our grandfathers, does not serve the development of the nation. Therefore, optimism that is not compatible with mobility, enthusiasm and persistence is a sign of weakness. Or as Aristotle said: "... the essence of everything is manifested in its movement."

At this point, a legitimate question arises as to what is the factor of continuing the tradition of our great grandfathers. What can we do to become a generation worthy of our ancestors? It is very difficult to give a detailed answer. We thought it appropriate to mention one simple fact. None of our predecessors, who were destined for greatness, achieved this masnad not by merit, but by knowledge, skill, tireless research, striving, and effort. By perfecting the most beautiful human qualities in themselves, they beautified their behavior and manners - embellished their deeds.

After all, etiquette is not a science that can be learned by reading. Its seed is embedded in the heart of the human child from the very beginning. Reading, learning, advice, reprimands, lessons, and examples are just tools that improve a person's manners.

In the Holy Qur'an, it is mentioned that (Allah) exalts the value of parents as much as the sun, and even if mankind does not do so, the servant should understand this fact with understanding. In fact, we don't need to have read any thinker's work in order to support an elderly person crossing the main street, to give a seat to the elderly in public transport or to protect young children from being harassed by bullies ( if we read it, it's an excellent light upon light, of course).

This is a natural human process. There are such elements in our considered blood of duty level. Therefore, there are sciences that must be studied and practiced. For example, legal knowledge. In this regard, as Confucius said: "He who reads knows, and he who knows acts." Ignorance of the laws in force in society is considered a sign of political arrogance and legal illiteracy. It is easy to distract such people and lead them in the desired direction. Because a person who does not study is not familiar with the laws of Nainki, he does not know his identity, he does not know his past.

That is why in every era, education of respect for the past in the minds of young people is considered an urgent topic and an important task. At the same time, there are many distracting factors in the environment that surrounds us, and there are defects in our blood that cause a tendency to distraction.

Just one example: Hindi films, which most of our population loves to watch, have worked against our values for a long time. It served not to glorify our achievements, but to distance them from them. There have been cases where some of our citizens, who are weak-willed and susceptible to external influences, could not refrain from imitating films (such cases do not apply only to Indian films. Therefore, when the film "Fantomas" was shown on the big screens, it was an imitation of theft older people remember well that crimes increased, street fights and petty hooliganism were caused by movies with Schwarzenegger and Jean Claude Van Damme).

Remember the movie "Bobby". Unlucky in love, young people want to sacrifice themselves by drowning in water, and in this way, they want to open the eyes of their fathers who are deaf in heart. That's what happens in movies. What about life? Many of us remember how many young women and girls set themselves on fire in those times. Perhaps the hard-hearted fathers were softened by this, but their eyes remained closed forever.

Infected from Indian movies 

One of the vices is the disorder in the relationship between father and son. As you know, this conflict is exaggerated in Indian films. The prodigal son goes against the father's opinion, who worries him, and spits on his face. He even leaves his father's house with his suit over his shoulder. In the end, he turns out to be right, and the father becomes a slave.

So, what did the youth of that time learn from this? Are you saying that among those who looked at it as just a movie, there were no people who applied it to life?! One of the young men who left his house in a ceremonial manner, saying goodbye to his father, regretted that his departure was like in a movie, and that it was not as good as it looks. It doesn't seem like it, after all, what child is lucky to displease his father?

Let's listen to the ancient wisdom of our people. A wise man said that you cannot do good to two types of people. He concluded that the first is for a person who has not received the consent of his parents, and the second is for a person who has received the consent of his parents. Those listening to him were surprised. Then he turned to those who were sitting and clarified his thoughts: "It doesn't matter if you did something good for the first one or if you didn't do something good. And the second does not need goodness!' Because both God and His servant are pleased with a child who pleases his parents. A person who strives for a goal with consent, honesty, and purity will definitely achieve his dream and goal. There are many examples of this in life...

It is interesting that during the Shura era, strict control over literature and works of art was established, and the influence of censorship was strong. However, this aspect of the films is neglected. No one objected to these plots, which are against our national mentality. Maybe it was done on purpose! There is only one reason for this, and we will dwell on the assumption that shameless scenes were almost not found in Indian films of that time. The same factor must have confused even the point guards. Most of the movies these days, including Hindi movies, are so rampant that it is impossible to sit around the TV and binge watch these movies with your family members.

At one time, this was also a propaganda method, of course! Today, such propaganda has gained a large scale. Information technology has developed so much that it is no longer necessary to lead a large army to destabilize any country in the world. This case is easily solved by means of information attacks. That's why the first President of our country, I. Karimov, called on all of us to be aware, that it is impossible to leave a moral vacuum in the society, that alien ideas can strike in it, that today information attacks are taking on a dangerous tone in the nuclear test sites, and the destructive alien They said that the ideas are distributed in the form of information, movies, cartoons, clips, videos and other forms through radio and TV waves and the international network of the Internet.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his speech at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan: "Today's rapidly changing world opens up new and great opportunities for humanity and youth. At the same time, they are exposed to various evil dangers that have not been seen before. Malicious forces are turning innocent children against their parents, their country, and are taking their lives. In such a tense and dangerous situation, we as parents, teachers, the community, and the community should increase vigilance and awareness in this matter. "We should raise our children ourselves, not leave them in the hands of others," he said.

The great statesman Mahatma Gandhi said: "If we open the windows for fresh air to enter our house, dust, dust and hurricanes will come in with the breeze. "It disturbs us, it can even cause damage," he said. In fact, in the process of integration in today's world, the flow of information has increased to such an extent that even sane people, let alone teenagers, have a hard time distinguishing between the right and the wrong messages on the Internet.

Here, let's dwell a little on the global network of the Internet, its positive and negative aspects. This achievement of humanity in the field of information and communication technologies at the threshold of the 21st century is as great in terms of benefits as it is in terms of harms. It should be said that the influence of the global network of the Internet on the general development is an undeniable fact, but we cannot ignore the fact that it suppresses the moral immunity of some of our youth.

Some of its subversive sites openly promote violence, obscenity, obscenity and obscenity, drugs, extremism and terror aimed at derailing people's faith. Destructive 

All the scenes are shown as a film. You know how influential cinema is in entertainment events. It is not surprising that when one of the "geniuses" of the last century spoke about this and said that "cinema is the best of the arts", he meant this impressive power.

Another disruptive idea being propagated through the global network of the Internet is pop culture. In fact, this is an expression of malicious intentions aimed at forgetting the identity and the past. Someone wants to drag others into the trap they are in. To fall under the influence of such propaganda is nothing but self-disgrace. History has witnessed this many times. V. G. Belinsky, a 19th-century Russian literary critic, criticized the actions taken during the reign of Peter I to introduce European culture to Russians and wrote: "A Russian dressed in European clothes has become a parody of himself in front of Europeans." Because the nobles and courtiers who take off their long coats and wear tight boots and jackets feel uncomfortable, especially when they bend down to kiss the hands of ladies, because they are not used to it, their wigs get crooked or they almost fall down. it is.

Blindly appropriating traditions and customs that are contrary to our national mentality will lead to the same result.

Well, the Internet is a global network, and its use is optional. Who is visiting which site, what needs are being met - only he knows. It is impossible to establish control over every person, even if it is possible, it is not possible, it is contrary to the requirements of international law.

In such a situation, what are the effective means of protecting our children from the Internet?

In my opinion, it is necessary for parents and family to undertake this work first of all. The sense of responsibility for their child's future requires them to be extremely alert and attentive. Moreover, this is not prohibited by any law. The public is a helper in this work. In particular, if we jointly create moral immunity in our children, if we explain the value of the time spent in front of the computer, if we can understand the sad consequences of being attached to harmful ideas, what kind of ideas are hidden under the egocentric ideas that are hidden under the guise of fake democracy. If we can prove that there are ulterior motives, we will save our children from becoming zombies in their observation skills. This is the essence of our life, as the Greek philosopher Epictetus said, "The education of a righteous child is equal to a great discovery!"

Above, we have mentioned the names of our great ancestors who honored the honor of the nation to which they belonged while sealing their name on the throne of eternity. Before summarizing our opinion, let's mention a teaching from the order of Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband - "Khilvat dar anjuman". In this, the Piri of the Tariqat teaches that the way a person behaves in private, he should be in the same state in the crowd. Because there are almost no distractions in the khilavat, and there are too many in the conference - in both cases, not being distracted is a sign of perfection.

If we do not forget that we are the children of the country where the great ones grew up, if we take the example of greatness from our great ones - we will make a worthy contribution to the development of our country, which is moving towards national revival and national rise, and we will be worthy children of the great future of Uzbekistan.

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