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A month has passed since the Central Election Commission designated October 24 this year as the day of the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the election campaign began on July 23. It should be said that the election is an important political event that is carried out by the efforts of many. Our wise people say that the shadow of many is golden. This means that there will be abundant blessings in the work that is carried out with the harmony, cooperation and enthusiasm of many.


Last year, when a disaster called the coronavirus suddenly fell upon the world, humanity still could not understand the nature of this "invisible evil", could not find a suitable remedy against it, and was confused in many countries of the world. elections to the presidency, parliament and local representative bodies, as well as referendums were held. The most interesting thing is that international analysts were surprised by the fact that the people of many countries participated more actively than usual in those elections, which were held in those days that are extremely dangerous for human health. This is due to the strengthening of human feelings of unity and solidarity when it comes to work.

In the election to the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea in the first half of April 2020, citizens participated in early voting at a record level - about 27% of registered voters.

Due to the risk of infection, as in almost all countries, a lockdown - a state of emergency - was declared in Poland, and the public's safe access to the streets and walking were severely restricted. Nevertheless, in the first round of the presidential election held on June 28, 2020, a record was set in the history of Poland in terms of voter turnout - 64.5 percent.

On July 10, 2020, about 96 percent of registered voters took part in the parliamentary election in Singapore. This is also a unique record in the history of the country.

Many more such examples can be given. Most importantly, according to the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO), no country (I emphasize: one!) that has so far held elections during the pandemic has had more cases of coronavirus infection among the population due to the election. 'paiga is not recorded.

In Uzbekistan, which is actively preparing for the presidential election, the election should be held in an open manner, with strict protection of the health of our compatriots, free of danger, in accordance with our national election legislation and universally recognized international election standards, and on the basis of quarantine requirements. If we say that all conditions are being created for


The scientists who claim that humanity is gradually getting used to living and fighting against the pandemic are right. This is natural. After all, until today, not only the virtuous fuzalo, but even an influential international organization such as the World Health Organization, cannot say for sure when humanity will be completely free from the pandemic or what the further development of the coronavirus will be. Pain is known to run and crawl. But he who seeks always finds an opportunity. Mass vaccination of the population against the coronavirus is the beginning of the most important victory in the fight against the pandemic. International and national experience clearly shows this.

However, such successes are not achieved by themselves, of course. According to the calculations of experts, today the vaccines that our compatriots are being vaccinated in bulk can be bought at prices up to 60 dollars. This means billions of funds allocated from the state treasury.

As a doctor, I would like to remind you of a well-known rule among medical professionals: one soum spent on prevention, that is, one soum spent on disease prevention, saves one hundred soums on the treatment of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary for all of us to deeply understand and appreciate the hard work, enthusiasm, care and attention that lies behind these numbers.

Pay attention to one of the conclusions of last year: the experts who analyzed the capabilities of the countries of the world in connection with the extremely complicated conditions caused by the pandemic gave a high rating to New Uzbekistan as a country capable of protecting its citizens under any circumstances. what he gave is a truth known to the people of the world today. According to the analysts, this is primarily the traditions of political management typical of Uzbek national statehood, which were formed over centuries, strengthened during the period of independence, and fundamentally improved in recent years based on the needs of the times, most importantly, openness and democracy in all areas, communication with the people is extensive. is the result of being launched.

It is the high effect of the necessary measures implemented and increased by our state on the basis of promptness, stability, and science, consultation with the people. As a result of quick and systematic measures taken at the time, this dangerous disease 

g was not allowed to spread widely. As our people have witnessed, peaceful life and stable economic growth continue in our country.


Now pay attention to the other side of the matter. Unfortunately, the coronavirus did not "sit idly" for a year. The current conditions, the human body and medicine quickly adapted, and the coronavirus infection began to rise again in the world. That's the dangerous side of stealth. It is becoming clear that its new strains, which are rapidly spreading around the world, are more dangerous than the previous ones. Moreover, some of our compatriots have been replaced by caution and strict adherence to quarantine rules in the early months of the pandemic.

However, in our country, there is no end to the propaganda and clarification work on being careful about the danger of the coronavirus: in the mass media, on social networks, in crowded places - markets, large shopping centers, on the streets. calls for awareness are constantly being sounded. Quarantine requirements have been strengthened again in Uzbekistan, as in many other countries. Public holiday events, sports competitions, as well as concerts, festivals, theater and film programs have been temporarily suspended again. Family celebrations, weddings, events and ceremonies are to be held more compactly in wedding halls.

The reason is that the new strains of the virus that appeared abroad, especially "Delta" (SARS-CoV-2), instantly "opened the eyes" of the world population, which was given to peace. A new type of virus "hides" in the shelter of the typical flu symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, stomach upset, and begins to take over the human body. If it is not prevented in time, it can "knock down" a person in hours, not days. At such a time, it is difficult for medicine or other treatment to work.

Thankfully, the situation in this regard is under strict control in our country. Our state is taking all necessary measures. The experience of our dedicated doctors in the fight against the coronavirus has increased significantly. However, it cannot be ignored that the risk of transmission of new types of coronavirus from person to person through air droplets is much higher than its previous types. According to scientists, a patient infected with the previous strain infected two to three people on average, while a patient infected with a new type of virus harms the health of at least five to six people.


The ways to avoid such a precarious situation are now clear. First of all, it is not necessary to remind again that it is necessary to strictly follow the requirements of quarantine. Although the number and weight of vaccinated people is increasing, we must strictly follow the rules of hygiene, wearing medical masks, maintaining social distance, regular ventilation of buildings.

We all know that now. We know that we often overlook this simple but very important fact. We will leave it as "May God save us". The Creator protects those who take care of themselves!

Vaccination with the coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible is one of the most important measures against the disease today. All the vaccines that our compatriots are receiving now can reliably protect people from existing strains of the coronavirus. Attention: of all kinds! Vaccination against coronavirus protects against unpleasant and serious complications of the disease, and most importantly, death.

"The beauty of Koklam is often felt in winter," the elders say. Unfortunately, in most cases, we begin to appreciate our health when we are sick. "It's no use biting the finger of regret" after the disease has taken over. In fact, it doesn't take much time or money to take care of your health.

We see that great attention is being paid to protecting and strengthening public health in our country. Our state has taken over all the expenses related to curbing the coronavirus, identification and treatment of patients infected with COVID-19, and prevention. This great humanitarian mission is clearly manifested in the process of mass vaccination of the population against the coronavirus infection at the expense of the state budget.

Tens of thousands of doctors and paramedics were involved in the vaccination process. Thousands of vaccination centers and mobile medical brigades are working throughout our country.

Today, our compatriots feel the nature and benefits of these good initiatives. A constant pursuit of health is an important condition for each of us to become our lifestyle and conscious life - to live happily and prosperously. After all, each person is primarily responsible for his own health.

Therefore, as a doctor, I ask all our compatriots and voters to get vaccinated 

I would ask them to pay serious attention to it. Of course, vaccination is voluntary. But the analyzes show that the threat of the coronavirus disaster was clearly felt in the country where the entire population received and is receiving the vaccine faster. The number of deaths among those infected with the virus has decreased dramatically.


Since the emergence of a difficult situation due to the pandemic in the world, the Central Election Commission has been conducting systematic work to carefully study the practical experience used during the conduct of elections in foreign countries in such difficult conditions and to introduce its acceptable aspects into the national election processes.

This urgent issue was discussed in detail at the regular meeting of our commission yesterday.

At the meeting where the issue of preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection during the presidential election is being considered, it will be right for our voters to hear the most important speech from the experienced specialists of the healthcare system of our country. Based on this, the report of Batirjon Kurbanov, the deputy head of the Republican sanitary-epidemiological peace and public health service, was heard at the extended meeting. As an experienced specialist who knows the ropes of work, the speaker emphasized that specific scientific, legal and practical experience has been formed in Uzbekistan on holding elections in the context of a pandemic. The spread of the coronavirus has been completely curbed in our country, and a stable situation is maintained.

Over the past year and a half, a number of international online conferences have been organized with the participation of members and experts of the Central Election Commission, experts of the Ministry of Health, and the discussion of the international experience of conducting elections in the context of a pandemic and its specific aspects has been consistently continued. Our experts, who participated as international observers in the elections held in about ten foreign countries, studied the problem directly. He analyzed the current conditions in our country and developed the necessary recommendations.

In particular, "Elections in the conditions of COVID-19" with the participation of representatives of the Central Election Commission, the Republican Sanitary-Epidemiological Peace and Public Health Service, and the "VoteWatch Europe" analytical center. The issue of holding elections during the pandemic was discussed in detail at the seminar organized on the topic "Perspective of EU member states".

On the basis of the program of increasing the capacity of election organization of the World Association of Electoral Bodies (A-WEB), the leading specialists of the Central Election Commission improved their skills in online training courses on the topic of "Social networks and election management bodies" and in a number of international webinars.

This responsible process is consistently continued according to the program of main activities for the preparation of the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted on April 14 of this year. More than 33,000 election organizers have received training on the concept of organizing the training of election commission members, which began in April. also improved his skills and abilities.

Preparation, printing, distribution and publication of videos, methodological manuals, infographics and handouts explaining the rules of strict compliance with quarantine requirements during the organization and holding of elections in the conditions of a pandemic, and publishing them through mass media and social networks did not stop.

As a result of consistent and systematic efforts, in cooperation with the relevant ministries and agencies, including the Republican sanitary-epidemiological peace and public health service, the risk of the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) during the presidential election of the Republic of Uzbekistan was prevented. a draft guideline was developed, discussed in detail and approved.

In the instructions, the work to be carried out in the process of preparing for and conducting the election, the rules that must be followed, so to speak, are clearly defined from thread to needle. At the meetings of the Central Election Commission, the district election commissions, governorships, heads of relevant ministries and departments will hear information about the work they are doing in this regard.


According to the recent decision of the Special Commission of the Republic, it was a great thing that proposals to hold public events such as meetings with voters for the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan and political parties were approved. In this regard, political parties are required to maintain social distance between participants during meetings with voters, to wear medical masks, and to adhere to the use of antiseptics.

it was recommended to pay attention to compliance with sanitary-hygiene and quarantine requirements, and to ensure that citizens invited to meetings are vaccinated against coronavirus infection.

At the same time, as a direct participant of the election process for many years, I can confidently say that approaches to election campaigning are changing from year to year. Due to the pandemic, modern information technologies entered the life of our people more widely and quickly. Today, we are witnessing the fact that prestigious international conferences, parliamentary sessions, and even sports competitions are being held online and remotely in the countries of the world.

This is clearly demonstrated by both international and national experience. Along with traditional methods, political parties are increasingly using the wide possibilities of digital technologies. It is known that face-to-face meetings of party representatives and candidates with voters cannot cover a wide range of people. Therefore, it is natural that television, radio, print and internet publications, posters and banners become more important in the election campaign in the conditions of the pandemic.

As a result of the survey conducted by the "Social Opinion" non-governmental public opinion research center, it was found out from which sources voters learn news and information about the presidential election. Research shows that the most popular source of information is the state television of Uzbekistan. 68.9 percent of survey participants receive information about the progress of election preparations mainly from television. In this regard, the Internet took the second place (33.5 percent). For 25 percent of respondents, non-state television channels are the main source of information.


Voting during the pandemic does not cause too much anxiety for voters. When they come to election campaign events and polling stations on the day of voting, they should wear a disposable protective mask and keep a distance from each other in accordance with quarantine requirements. Before entering the building, in particular, the polling station, it will be possible to measure the temperature of voters and disinfect their hands with antiseptics. Polling stations and voting booths are regularly disinfected. The duty of medical personnel is organized.

Most importantly, all district and precinct election commissions will be fully equipped with protective and disinfecting equipment at the expense of the state budget allocated for the election campaign.

Members of election commissions at all levels undergo a medical examination and a laboratory test for coronavirus infection before being recruited into the work of the commission. He is vaccinated against the coronavirus.

It is recommended to organize pre-election events of political parties, meetings of candidates and other events in the form of video conference in pandemic conditions and, if necessary, in open spaces or not exceeding 50% of the capacity of a closed building (one seat at a time).

All conditions are being created for the presidential election to take place in our country in peace and tranquility, tolerance and nobility, kindness, respect, political and legal culture, and ancient traditions of our people.

The presidential election is a great test and a great opportunity for the people of the country. If the people of the country have a high sense of commitment to the destiny of the Motherland, the problems related to the pandemic cannot hinder the unity of the people and the activity of the voters.

Our nation, which is preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the independence of the nation, is welcoming the Independence Day with great success in all fields. Such huge successes are the basis for saying that in the period after the presidential election, our new Uzbekistan will become a stronger, more modernized country, with a more developed economy, higher international prestige, more confidence of its citizens in the future, and a brighter sun of independence. takes


Republic of Uzbekistan
Chairman of the Central Election Commission,
Hero of Uzbekistan,
doctor of medical sciences,

Source: "New Uzbekistan" newspaper
August 26, 2021, No. 172

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