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Love is the highest feeling given to man. The connection of two hearts with mutual bonds of love creates a blessed fortress called a family. If this fortress is strong, life will not spare its blessings. If there is a crack in it, it is inevitable that auspicious days will begin for the family members.
Love is the highest feeling given to man. The connection of two hearts with mutual bonds of love creates a blessed fortress called a family. If this fortress is strong, life will not spare its blessings. If there is a crack in it, it is inevitable that auspicious days will begin for the family members.

Young people who want to start a family want to give each other the world. But after building a family, some people forget these feelings for some reason. This is what one thinks of when one sees people filing for divorce. You will be surprised to see the objections expressed to each other in the courtroom, and how the parties will not hesitate to smear each other with mud.

After all, these are the people who shared their goals and laid their heads on the same pillow, forming bonds of love. You won't believe it, really. Where are the promises made - the words of the young man? Now, "boy, did I say I won't live, I won't live," he says quietly.

This situation brings to mind the lines of Byron's lyrical hero, "I have only one word in this matter, and it is a guess!" In this one line, he revealed the appearance of young people who lack the ability to see far. What about the girl, her dreams were the sky, why did she give up so quickly? Didn't he realize that after the wedding, the arrangements would be completely different?

In my opinion, the attitude of our girls towards love is not the same as before. One of Aristotle's students came to his teacher and said that he had decided to get married. "Hey, you're in trouble, kid!" said his teacher. "If marriage is unhappiness, then let me leave this world without a trace!", he said, wanting to give up his vows. "Then you will be a prisoner of double misfortune," said Arastu.

Indeed, our elders say that life is a fist. Only those who endure its blows and endure its hardships will reach a happy destination. On the way to Aro, the steps taken by Aro go to the Arosat Valley. If there is a child in the middle, he will also be punished.

It is said that Arsh will be shaken by the divorce of husband and wife. Moreover, this is completely against the interests of the society and the state. Here, we are referring to young people who treat marriage lightly, destroy the so-called family fortress for trivial reasons, and do not feel sorry for it at all. Except, of course, for families who, for various reasons, remarry and make a living.

Another aspect of this issue is that when analyzing the causes of the existing conflicts, it is evident that most divorces are caused by the imbalance in the mother-in-law relationship. Surprisingly, such conflicts did not lead to divorce earlier. On the contrary, we have witnessed many times that even the relations that started with coldness have changed in a completely positive direction after passing the test of years.

The wisdom of our people, "Fifteen days of the month are dark, fifteen days are bright", seems to apply to this topic. Many of our women, who became mothers and later became mothers-in-law, remember their days as brides and talk about how they gratefully remembered the strictness of their mothers-in-law, and how much they missed this attitude in their independent life.

Here it is appropriate to remember a wise saying of the ancient Indian Brahmins: "The eye of man sees everything in existence other than himself." Indeed it is. Especially when the bride and groom get up from their seats at the wedding and see how elegant the two souls and two innocent faces sitting in the room are, maybe then this is it. he would have realized more deeply how beautiful, how charming, how unique the moments are. Maybe then they would have appreciated these happy moments more?

Maulana Rumi did not say for nothing that "close your eyes, let your heart become eyes". In addition, there is a fact that we should never forget: Adam and Eve met on Mount Arafat after two hundred years of separation. Pilgrims now circumambulate this hill in Makkah as Rahmat Mountain. The seat that is built for the bride and groom at the wedding ceremony is not just a place - it is blessed like Mount Arafat. The love of a person for another person, the union of two souls is actually the desire of the Creator.

Therefore, the poet was right when he said, "We will be happy if God wills, if God wills we would meet." The one who understands this logic and appreciates the value of the state called the family does not turn from abomination to abomination.


Khudoyor Mamatov,

Head of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission

Doctor of Legal Sciences ktori, professor

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