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In our country, united around the noble idea of ​​"For human dignity", our people fully support the wide-ranging and rapid reforms that are being steadily implemented towards the high goal of building a new democratic and free Uzbekistan. This is a bright truth widely recognized not only by national, but also by influential state and political figures, eminent scientists, experts and specialists of foreign countries.

October 21 is the Uzbek language holiday

It is recognized that in the process of reforms, constant attention is paid to increasing the influence of the state language in all organizations and agencies.

In this regard, the implementation of the tasks specified in the decree of the President of October 21, 2019 "On measures to fundamentally increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as a state language" is gaining importance in this regard.

The prestige of the Uzbek language in the social and political life of our people and at the international level is steadily increasing. Its role and importance in educating the younger generation in the spirit of loyalty to the Motherland, our national traditions and values ​​is increasing.

On the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the day of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Language" - October 21 is legally designated as the "Day of the Uzbek Language Holiday" and is widely celebrated every year. the great result of the great reforms is a great event in the socio-political, legal, cultural and spiritual life of our independent Motherland.


E'zoz va e'tibor

It is a clear fact that in its ancient and rich history, the Uzbek language has never received such high respect and care from the state and society as it does now. Today, more than fifty million people in the world speak the language of Alisher Navoi. The number of representatives of other nationalities who diligently and lovingly study the Uzbek language in thousands of higher and secondary educational institutions, including educational institutions and centers abroad, is expanding.

Studying the national language of Uzbekistan and showing respect for it has also received significant attention at the international level. Among the heads of international organizations operating in our country, foreign ambassadors, businessmen and foreign youth, it is becoming a tradition to speak Uzbek, to love Uzbek national songs, dances, and costumes.

This is one of the high results of the people-loving and peace-loving state policy in the new Uzbekistan, which has taken a bold step "from national recovery to national growth".

According to the mentioned decree, among many issues related to the future development of our native language, the establishment of a separate department in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan responsible for the development of spirituality and the state language, as well as the systematic and consistent implementation of reforms on the introduction of the state language The very fact that it was established is another example of the same effects.

This new structure, which was established in a timely and far-sighted way, today has the scope of highly effective work on the development of the state language, the implementation of constant monitoring of compliance with the laws on the state language, and the introduction of effective forms of public control in the field. our people see and feel that it is expanding more and more at every step.

In a short period of time, the activities of advisers to the heads of all state bodies, ministries, hokims, offices and economic associations on the issues of improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work and ensuring compliance with the laws on the state language are effective. launched. In other words, now in all organizations of our country from the top to the bottom, the authorized representatives responsible for compliance with the legal documents related to the state language are actively working. They have gathered in their ranks accomplished specialists in the Uzbek language - poets, writers, literary experts and journalists.

The Uzbek language holiday is a time to honor our mother tongue, to increase its height and value. At the same time, this holiday is the favorite language, spiritual need, pride of the national language of all nations and peoples living in Uzbekistan. serves as an important factor that unites, encourages unity, and strengthens peace and tranquility in our country.


The extent of changes

The scope of the work being carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation on the state language is wide-ranging, and the results are high.

No, it's not just something that is said out of habit. Do not go far, enter the social networks of the Internet, and after two or three years, you will notice sensational reports that a minister of Uzbekistan spoke in the state language at an international conference held in our capital, Tashkent, not abroad. "Well done and well done! He spoke Uzbek! Love it!..”

Today there is no place for such surprising statements and questions. The implementation of specific and strict tasks set by the head of our state to fundamentally increase the prestige and position of the Uzbek language as a state language is being consistently ensured. We think that there is no need to emphasize that Shavkat Mirziyoyev personally sets an example for all of us in this regard.

The President's speech in Uzbek at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on September 21, 2021 greatly increased the international prestige of our native language. If we remember that the Uzbek language has been the language of the household until recently, and the language of translation in official circles, it becomes even more vivid how this initiative of the head of our country is of great historical importance.

When we think about the practical application, promotion and learning of the state language, we cannot ignore one more example. The analysis of the results of the internal monitoring and document circulation conducted in the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding the implementation of the law "On the State Language" showed that all members of the working team of different nationalities know the state language very well. Conducting work in Uzbek is organized on the basis of existing legal requirements.

It is worth noting that such a large-scale study, analysis and comparison regarding compliance with the legal requirements of the state language was conducted for the first time in the history of the Central Election Commission.

All meetings of the commission, press conferences, briefings, conferences, seminars, international events, with the participation of media representatives, including foreign journalists, are held openly and in the official language. Regulatory and legal documents are developed, discussed, linguistically examined and accepted in Uzbek with the participation of scientists, experts and specialists.

All forms, seals, stamps, requisites of the Central Election Commission, as well as all external signs installed in the building of the Commission, including announcements, other visual information texts, were transferred to the Uzbek alphabet based on the state language and Latin script.

Orders, reports, programs, internal regulations, instructions, assignments signed by the leadership of the Central Election Commission, as well as all normative legal documents adopted and approved by the Commission - decisions, regulations, reports, instructions, assignments, newsletters "About the state language" is accepted according to the requirements of the law.

In addition, normative legal documents, articles, reports and international news related to elections on the national election system are regularly covered on the official website of the Central Election Commission ( and all pages on social networks in the state language and the Uzbek alphabet based on the Latin script. . Proposals are being prepared for the development of national language alternatives for international words and terms related to the field of elections.


There is no such thing as a small job

Another important innovation introduced in the activity of the commission regarding the active study and promotion of the state language is that the direct communication of the team with famous scientists, writers and politicians has become regular.

At such meetings, there will be an interesting discussion and question-and-answer session on the development of the state language, responsibility of speech, electoral law and practice, parliamentary life, human spirituality, literature, and reading.

At the same time, two employees of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission strengthened their knowledge and skills at the Center for Training and Development of the Basics of Working in the State Language at the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi. The library of the commission is enriched with new dictionaries, encyclopedias, manuals and other necessary publications related to the state language in printed and electronic form.

The high results of such constant attention paid to the introduction and development of the state language in the national election system were clearly demonstrated to the parliament and local councils of our country on December 22, 2019, and during the Presidential elections held on October 24, 2021, not only in our country public, but also the missions of international organizations that monitored these elections, and the fact that they were specially recognized by the observers of foreign countries is a clear proof of our above opinions.


There is much wisdom in clarity

One of the latest news regarding the state language is related to the adoption of the new version of the Law "On Advertising" in the summer of this year and its entry into force on September 9.

Problems related to the language, content, size, time of publication of advertisements, responsibility of the advertiser and distributor were the cause of many public objections. The reason is that almost a quarter of a century has passed since December 1998, when the first law in this direction was adopted. To put it bluntly, a quarter of a century ago, the products and services advertised in our country were not overflowing as they are today, and the advertising market had not yet been formed. In recent years, as a result of extensive reforms on all fronts, there are now millions of advertisers and distributors offering their products and services. The national advertising market is fully formed and is developing rapidly today.

The new law contains new rules and norms related to important changes in the economy of our country and the life of our people. Article 6 of the law entitled "Language of Advertising" is of particular note. According to him:

On the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, advertising is distributed in the official language of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The translation of advertising content can be reproduced in other languages, subject to the following requirements:

the text of the translation of the advertising content in other languages ​​should not distort its main meaning in the state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

the text of the translation of the advertisement in other languages ​​placed through outdoor advertising should be placed horizontally at the bottom of the advertisement text in the state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan and should not exceed forty percent of the total advertising area;

the font size of the translation of the advertisement in other languages ​​should be smaller than the font size of the advertisement text in the state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

translation of advertisements in other languages ​​on TV and radio channels, as well as in printed publications, should not exceed twenty percent of the total daily advertising volume.

Another thing to note here is that in the previous law, the article on the language of advertising consisted of a single clause that was more comprehensive. If you look at the new law, you will be sure that now their number is more than ten. The requirements, which were previously mainly regulated by temporary regulations and guidelines, have been clearly reflected in the new law in the form of norms. This is also a practical manifestation of attention and respect for the state language.



Of course, it is impossible to solve all the problems related to the Uzbek language that have accumulated over several decades, even centuries, in one day and with one blow. It is clear that this is a work that requires a lot of patience, scientific research, cooperation and perseverance, and requires a lot of effort.

At this point, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that one of the biggest problems related to the introduction and promotion of the state language has been solved. In the past, materials related to the state language - articles, shows and broadcasts - appeared in mass media, mostly on October 21 - the day before the adoption of the law "On the Davdat Language", then a year and twelve months later as if they were forgotten. Now we are witnessing that the process of speeches on the promotion and development of the state language has gained consistency and regularity.

If you are interested in the coverage of issues related to the state language in the mass media of our country - printed and online publications, radio and TV channels, and official pages on social networks, you will find articles, interviews, videos, videos and other colorful materials every day. Among them, there are analytical and critical speeches to current problems, from local news to letters of complaint. This is a natural process characteristic of a free, democratic society, which considers openness and transparency as a program for itself. This is a sign that learning, developing and practicing the state language is becoming a national movement in our country.

As the President has emphasized: "We should all start this noble movement from ourselves, our families and communities, respect our mother tongue, traditions and values, and show our love for the Motherland in practical activities." Such consistent work serves to implement and use the state language in all spheres and directions in our country, to further polish and develop the language of our independent state and to gain a firm place at the international level. Knowing the state language, doing business in this language and respecting this priceless cultural wealth of ours is becoming a spiritual need of all our citizens.


Kulman Ochilov,

Central Republic of Uzbekistan

adviser to the chairman of the election commission,

Honored journalist in Uzbekistan.


"Khalk Sozi" newspaper,

October 21, 2022.

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